S.No | Name of the Faculty | Responsibilities | Designation | Photograph |
1 | Dr. G. Ravindranath., Ph.D | IQAC -Chairman | Principal | |
2 | Dr. B. Ramachandra., Ph.D | IQAC Co-ordinator | Lecturer in Chemistry | |
3 | Dr. M. Ramesh., Ph.D | NAAC Co-ordinator | Lecturer in History | |
4 | Dr. N. Sulochana., Ph.D | Criteria-I In-Charge | Lecturer in Mathematics | |
5 | Sri. M. Govardhan., MCA | Criteria-II In-Charge | Lecturer in Computer Science | |
6 | Sri. P. Mahesh., M.Sc., M.Ed., APSET | Criteria-III In-Charge | Lecturer in Zoology | |
7 | Smt K.Sunitha., M.Sc | Criteria-IV In-Charge | Lecturer in Mathematics | |
8 | Sri K.Pulla Reddy., MCA | Criteria-V In-Charge | Lecturer in Computer Science | |
9 | Sri. M.Mahaboob Subhani.,MCA, M.Tech | Criteria-VI In-Charge | Lecturer in Computer Science | |
10 | Smt.B.Renuka Devi, M.Sc., M.Phil., APSET | Criteria-VII In-Charge | Lecturer in Computer Science | |
11 | Sri M.Srinivasulu M.Sc, M.Eng, NET | Technical Support Member | Lecturer in Electronics | |
12 | Sri M. Viswanadha Naik., B.Tech | Technical Assistant | Office Assistant (ADMIN) |